Monday, June 2, 2014

Welcome to June!!!!

Today it is my turn to host a challenge on The Paper Girls Challenge first time!!!  At my age there aren't to many firsts anymore LOL!!!!  So I have really been looking forward to this.  I called my challenge......Rub-Ons Reinvented. If you are anything like me you probably have a bunch of half used rub-ons, or rub-ons you just haven't used.  
Lately my new passion, besides scrapbooking has been mixed media art.  It is perfect for all those left over bits and pieces of rub-ons. 
Pop on over to PGCB and join in the challenge for the chance to win a great prize!!

I created 3 small canvases, and I think they might just be my favourite off all that I have created so far.  Since many people have asked how to create a canvas I decided to give step by step instructions on how I like to create.  But please remember....there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY!!!  This is just the way I work.  It is a little lengthy, but I wanted to show pictures of every step.  I hope you enjoy!!

My first step is always to put down some kind of paper, and then paint to create the background.  On these I used pages from a book, but I really like using tissue.  Especially from sewing patterns.  You get a great texture.
  I decided that I wanted to do an owl and 2 different birds.  I cut them out of scrapbook paper.  Before glueing them down with modge podge I did a little stamping to give more texture.
 A little easier to see in this close up.
 The next step is to do some shading around the edges so the pictures pop out and add dimension.

Again.....a little stamping to add dimension. 

 Some more shading and all the little extra things.  Also I love to do some doodling.

 This is where the rub-ons come into the picture.  I just kind of throw them in anywhere.  And don't worry if they don't rub off perfectly.  the less uniform the better.

 After every layer that I put on I always put a layer of modge podge.  It keeps things from mixing, and seals in everything.

 And here is the finished product!!!!  These just make me so happy......they are so stinkin' cheerful I can barely stand it LOL!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it has inspired you to do a little creating of your own.  And if you have any questions please ask.
Thanks for stopping in.


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